Monthly Archives: January 2014

First of our Spring Talks for 2014

Galway Birds: Seen, photographed and videoed in Galway.
by Tom Cuffe
Tom Cuffe is a Heritage Specialist with the Heritage in Schools Scheme. Bring avian fauna to the national schools of county Galway for the past 3 years. He has a large collection of bird photographs and videos all taken in Galway over the past 15 years. This will form part of his presentation. Tom is an avid bird watcher since an early age when he was in the cub scouts. He leads bird watching walks for Bird Watch Galway on a monthly bases at Nimmo’s Pier. He has given numerous talks and walks all around Galway for a wide range of interest groups.
 This talk will take place in the Anglers’ Rest Hotel, Headford on Wed 19th February at 8pm.
Entry is free, but donations, as always, are welcome.